Homeland security involves learning about the threats that society faces and how to tackle these in a timely and effective manner. Careers In Homeland security is concerned with ensuring the well-being of a country’s population and property. Homeland security is closely related to the field of law enforcement. Employment opportunities within homeland security are on the rise as a result of increased security concerns over terrorist attacks in the last decade. Careers include working as:

  • Agents (FBI)
  • Investigators
  • Fire fighters
  • Emergency response workers
  • Immigration officers
  • Highway patrol officers
  • Border patrol officers
  • Customs officers
  • Private security officers
  • Homeland security consultants

Those working within homeland security can find employment across both government (local, state and federal) and nongovernmental organizations. Individuals working within homeland security earn on average between 40,000 and 80,000 U.S Dollars a year. Income varies depending on educational qualifications, level of training and experience as well the type of organization where one finds employment.

Those interested in working within this industry can specialize in a particular field related to homeland security. These include amongst others:

  • Homeland security and defense
  • Information systems security
  • Information systems security and forensics
  • Technology and homeland security
  • Emergency management
  • Homeland security leadership

Homeland Security Degrees and Programs
There are a variety of ways to pursue a career in homeland security. Professionals in this sector would, however, benefit from attaining degrees in law enforcement or more specifically in homeland security. Homeland security is a relatively recent discipline; the following academic programs are now available for students to enroll in:

– Associate of Arts in Homeland Security
– Bachelor of Arts in Homeland Security
– Master of Arts in Homeland Security

An Associate of Arts in homeland security receives foundational knowledge relating to this field.  In particular he or she learns about the internal and external threats that society faces. At the end of this two year program students often pursue on the job training. A Bachelor of homeland security is a four year program where students acquire extensive knowledge on the subject. A Bachelor of homeland security is better positioned to enter into careers within this field. A Master’s in homeland security enables students to advance their careers further and to enter the public policy making arena.

Areas of Study in Homeland Security
In the course of a program in homeland security, students acquire greater knowledge and skills invaluable to advancing their careers in this field. Students are able to consolidate their knowledge of issues, concepts and theories relevant to law enforcement and homeland security. In addition, students are able to expand their practical skills and are trained in managing disasters/ emergencies, the art of negotiation and apprehension protocol. Areas of study include international and domestic terrorism, information security, cyber-security, terrorism and security, weapons of mass destruction, emergency management, criminal justice, public safety and security, intelligence and homeland security, homeland security and ethics, strategic planning and homeland security policy.