Every day you hear stories of people acting irresponsibly on social media and getting themselves in all sorts of trouble. Employees complaining about their boss or couples breaking up over a comment is quite common these days. If you want to complain about your work or your marriage, there is a ‘support group’ you should think about joining. It is usually open after six at your local watering hole and consists of your drinking buddies.  There you can complain to your heart’s content and no one will bat an eyelid. However, venting out on Social media can open a pandora’s box.

Mushrooming social networks demand more responsibility. Being a student, it’s good to think before you post. A bit of care on your part can go a long way in protecting your repute and keeping uninvited attention at bay.

Avoid these five mistakes:

Emotional Statuses. Too may exclamation marks can get you in trouble!!!!!!!!!

You may want to write something that describes your emotions, but it can back fire. Don’t write anything overtly personal, rude, angry, or opinionated. It is good to be a bit farsighted and see what can happen to your post. Someone might take a screen shot of your status or share it maliciously with their friends. Keep in mind that social networks are public places; you can’t say or do whatever you want, unless you’re fond of trouble.

Unprofessional Pictures. Your prospective employers may be watching you.

If you are graduating from high school or a fresh graduate looking for a job, don’t risk putting an indecent picture as your dp. Employers usually look for the applicant’s profiles on social networks and you may end up losing a job before even starting it.

Mocking your teacher. That’s never a good idea.

It’s surely not a good idea to mock your teacher or upload an insulting picture on any social website. You may find it funny or get some comments or likes from your friends, but you can get into trouble if your school finds out about it and decides to take a disciplinary action against you.

Relying Too Much On Privacy Settings.

You post lots of stuff on social networks and assume that it will stay safe, as you have all the privacy settings on. Don’t rely too much on your privacy settings or the credibility of a social network. Sometimes, you can have these settings confused or updates of a social network can make your private information public. So, don’t post sensitive information or personal photos because they can always go public.

Objectionable Content From School Networks

Most schools do not allow you to use their network for social networking websites. If you use a social website from school or post objectionable content, you may be inviting trouble. Try to use the school network responsibly, and do keep in mind that your activities on the network might be getting monitored all the time.

So lesson learned here is be careful of what you say or write because you never know who might be taking notice.

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