Accredited vs. Non-accredited Programs

You can find numerous online degree programs on the Internet but only a small fraction of these programs are accredited by proper accreditation agencies. Degrees awarded by some online schools that provide academic shortcuts and extremely cheap packages might not be recognized by most educational institutions and professional organizations. Students must make sure that the program they plan on joining is not being offered by one of these diploma mills. Unaccredited degree programs can prove to be a real loss in terms of both time and money. Accreditation bodies have been established in all states of the US to enable students to find institutions that meet the academic and professional standards of quality.

Types of Accredited Programs

Accredited online programs are available at all levels of education ranging from high school diplomas to PhD programs. A number of accredited certifications and short diplomas can also be pursued online. Degree awarded by most virtual schools and distance learning programs are usually accredited. In addition to being accredited and recognized, distance learning programs enable foreign students to study with renowned universities and colleges without having to relocate. Many top ranking and prestigious universities have also stepped into the online education arena and allow you to earn a degree from the comfort of your home. Whether you wish to broaden your awareness or are looking for a program to continue your professional education, accredited online degree programs can prove to be a goldmine of knowledge. Accredited programs are also available for professionals who seek to earn continued education units as a part of their work requirement.

Accredited Online LPN Programs

Accreditation means that the training program meets the standards set out by the governing bodies (NLNAC) that looks over the nursing profession. You can check the details of accreditation on your prospective school.

The main accrediting bodies:

  • NLNAC     (The National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission)
  • ACEN (The Accreditation Commission For Education in Nursing)
  • CCNE (The Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education)

Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) provide basic nursing care to patients and work under the supervision of registered nurses and physicians. The majority of LPNs work in hospitals, nursing care facilities and home health care services. Their duties may be quite physically demanding.

LPNs go for either a certificate or diploma after completing their high school, and earned a median yearly salary of $41,540 in 2012. Their job growth is expected to take place at a rate of 25% between 2012 and 2022.

If you are interested in becoming an LPN then you may enroll in an LPN certificate or diploma in a community college or technical school. You may take LPN classes online as well; ideal if you have a day job and cannot make time for on campus classes.

Classes may be titled as:

  • Fundamentals of Nursing
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing
  • Pediatric Nursing
  • Maternal Infant Nursing
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • Geriatric Nursing
  • Concepts of Nursing

An LPN program may take a year to complete, if not more. Eligible students may also be able to apply for financial aid from their school, helping them finance their studies. It is advised, therefore, that you contact your school’s financial aid office in this regards.