Students who desire to establish a career in law enforcement or public administration can pursue homeland security degrees. There are a number of regular as well as online institutes that offer homeland security degrees. Earning these degrees can lead students to extremely lucrative careers2 in a number of fields. After completing these programs, students can work in various industries such as:

  • National security
  • Hazardous materials
  • Corrections
  • Law enforcement
  • Disaster relief
  • Emergency medical assistance


Types of Homeland Security Degrees

Depending on the educational and professional goals of the students, they can pursue a number of homeland security degrees including:

  • Associate’s degree in homeland security
  • Bachelor’s degree in homeland security
  • Master’s degree in homeland security


In these programs, students learn about the various threats that their homeland might have to face and how they can be prevented. They learn how to respond to them effectively and efficiently. Designing and analyzing plans for private organizations, government or other community organizations are also part of these trainings.

Specialization Offered In Homeland Security Degrees

The scope of homeland security degreesis very wide. Students can choose from a wide array of specializations and pursue a career according to their individual career goals. Some of the disciplines in which learners can choose to specialize include:

  • Infrastructure security
  • Emergency management
  • Digital and network security
  • Terrorism management

Courses Offered In Homeland Security Degrees Programs

There are a number of courses that are included in the homeland security degrees programs. Regardless of the type of degree, some general courses in these programs include:

  • Critical incident management
  • Organizational research
  • Terrorism preparedness
  • Physical sciences
  • Public relations
  • Humanities
  • Public safety system integration


Homeland security is a rewarding field. Students with homeland security degreescan expect to earn well and find jobs in various sectors.Earning a degree in homeland security enables students to find employment in sectors such as:

  • Intelligence
  • Public safety and administration
  • Law enforcement
  • investigation
  • National security

On average, the homeland security degree holders can earn up to $88,174 per year. The exact salary scale depends on the degree level, specializations, job as well as the industry where one find an employment. Police officers earn lesser than administrators and health care professionals. Students with these degrees can work as:

  • First responders
  • Nurses
  • Public administrators
  • Psychologists
  • Political scientists
  • Criminal justice professionals


Homeland Security Degrees Online

A number of online accredited schools and colleges also offer homeland security degrees. These programs are ideal for students who cannot manage to attend regular colleges. Also, the distance learning programs are very suitable for students who have limited resources. Homeland security degrees online programs are more cost effective than the regular programs. They offer more flexibility to the students as studies in the online trainings can be managed from any location. Online homeland security degrees are ideal for individuals who are involved in full-time of part-time jobs as well.

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