So you’ve decided to take the plunge and enroll in an online degree program. Maybe you’ve realized that your career is stagnating and you want to enhance your repertoire of skills. Maybe you are ready to transition into a job with more responsibility and growth potential. In any case, if you are opting for the online format, you’ll place a premium on flexibility and the use of innovative technology for learning. But that doesn’t mean you should settle for just any online degree. Within the jungle of online degrees, there are specifically a handful of schools that offer accredited online degrees and these provide value for money beyond what you will encounter at diploma “mills.”

You can trust an accredited online degree because the school has devoted time and effort into molding its curriculum to the satisfaction of a centralized certification body. Certification bodies check to make sure that schools are offering a complete slate of courses of a quality that will prepare you for a specific career. This is what constitutes the accredited online degree. The accredited online degree is a particularly prudent choice in technical concentrations like studying to be a paralegal, nurse or accountant. These professions have stringent entry requirements and being able to brandish a brand name degree will give you a leg up in the job market. Paralegals, nurses and accountants also require rigorous training to succeed at their professions and if you get an accredited online degree, it could be useful signal to your employer that you are prepared for the rigors of the job. No matter how well an online degree is designed, it is at heart an exercise in theory with limited practical exposure. Accredited online degrees are likely to incorporate practical modules of study either through their own physical campuses or through affiliations with institutes that render practical study. These are invaluable skills that add credence to the accredited online degree.

<>The pursuit of an accredited online degree is a strong signal to your employer that your degree has substantial and tangible value. Data suggests that employers are willing to pay a premium for those who complete an accredited online degree. In fact, the earning potential of the accredited online degree is comparable to that of the standard classroom in-person degree. This has been corroborated by academic studies that have investigated the subject. Accredited online degrees are also beneficial since the providers have been able to forge strong relationships with employers particularly on a regional level. The employers are personally involved in developing the curriculum and make sure it is tailored to their requirements so curriculum do not go obsolete. The accredited online degree also tends to offer a deeper and more intense curriculum than its non-accredited counterpart. There are more electives on offer meaning you can pick and choose courses of your choice and have a more satisfying and rewarding academic experience. For all these reasons, it is to your advantage to opt for an accredited online degree when planning for your future.

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