There was a time when a high school education or graduation could promise you a stable career and you did not need to worry about holding a job with such qualifications on your resume. With the constant stir in the job market due to the recent recession, these levels of education no longer remain a safeguard for your career. People with high school education have to get graduations while graduates have to make sure they obtain a Master’s Degree in order to secure their financial futures. One of the most popular master’s degrees is the MBA Program.

What is an MBA Program?

The Master’s In Business Administration Program started out in America in the 19th Century. The course is designed to train people in all aspects of Business Administration and includes a number of business subjects like economics, human resource management, operations management, marketing and accounting. An MBA program teaches the student the basics of business operations as well as how to approach business as a science. Each institution has a different curriculum but they all have to comply with certain affiliation boards, making sure that the students get the same level of understanding in business administration subjects.

Types of MBA Programs

An MBA Degree can be acquired from an accredited institute through a variety of course patterns. These are listed below:

  • Full Time MBA: This course requires the student to enroll into a 2 year course with a university or college and attend classes like any conventional student would.
  • Accelerated MBA: This type of course is an alternate version of the full time course where the student can cover more coursework in less time, there is a smaller amount of downtime between semesters and more workload is put on in order to complete the course faster than normal.
  • Part-time MBA: This course is ideal for people who are already working because classes are held after working hours and on weekends and the time is extended from the 2 years to give the students enough time to complete the requirements of the degree.
  • Executive MBA: This type of course is for individuals who are working in an executive post and have over ten years of experience in the relevant field.
  • Distance Learning MBA: This course can be taken when the student is not physically present at the institution. Classes and coursework is shared and done online or through mail.
  • Dual MBA: This course allows students to pursue degrees in two sub fields at the same time.

Requirements for Admission

Every institute has a different set of requirements while granting admission to students a minimum level of experience and prior education is required for admission into an MBA course.

Online Education and Accredited Institutes

If you are already working and don’t have the time to go back to university, you could enroll in to an Online MBA Programat one of the many accredited institutes that offer the program online. As long as you make sure the institute is accredited and the course suits your needs, your future and career are secure.