Introduction to Nursing

Introduction to Nursing

Introduction to Nursing:-
Nursing is one of the nation’s top ten occupations in terms of growth. It is expected that over 2 million jobs for nurses will be created due to the increasing demands of the health industry. In addition to taking care of patients, nurses perform a variety of administrative duties ranging from managing case files to assisting doctors in the initial diagnosis. They also administer various tests in order to determine the health of a person and are also trained to deal with emergency cases.

What sorts of nursing programs are offered?
Nursing qualifications include the Registered Nurse (RN), Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) and Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) certifications as well as Associate’s and Bachelor’s of Science degrees in Nursing. The RN qualification is usually pursued by the people who wish to join the workforce as soon as possible and support themselves. The Registered Nurse degree lasts between eighteen months to two years, after which students must take an exam conducted by The National Council Licensure Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Once the exam is cleared, students can start applying for jobs in hospitals, clinics, physician’s offices, nursing homes, schools, emergency medical response teams and a variety of other places.

Why go for a BSN degree?
The more rigorous Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing or BSN lasts for approximately 4 years. It includes comprehensive study plans and covers advanced subjects such as microbiology, pathophysiology, oncology, anatomy, physiology, nephrology, oncology, gynecology, medicine, health safety, emergency medical treatment and special courses on usage of drugs and medicines. The BSN degree opens up doors to loads of exciting opportunities for graduates which not only include positions in patient care but administrative and managerial positions as well. While the RN degree enables you to enter the healthcare industry, it severely limits your advancement opportunities. On the other hand, those holding a BSN degree can quickly climb up the ladder and acquire better paying jobs in healthcare in relatively short periods of time.

Online RN To BSN Programs:-
Online RN To BSN Programs are the choice for many Registered Nurses, who wish to obtain the degree qualification in nursing and expand their career opportunities. Building on previous knowledge and experience, Online RN To BSN Programs include advanced healthcare subjects and humanities courses. These include disease prevention, community health, home health care, ambulatory care and public health. In as little as two years, registered nurses can earn the Bachelor’s degree and be on their way to making the most of their careers. The National Advisory Council on Nurse Education & Practice has estimated that two thirds of all nurses will hold BSN degrees by the end of 2010.

Advantages of online programs:-
Because Online RN To BSN Programs are now available, students save on the cost of commuting and people can take classes from the comfort of their homes at any time, 24/7. Online RN To BSN Programs also cost a fraction of the programs offered in traditional colleges and are self paced, meaning you can complete them in as little as 18 months. Colleges offering these programs also provide the facility of ‘online libraries’, allowing students to look up publications at the click of a button. The career advancement opportunities for BSN graduates combined with the numerous advantages of online education make Online RN To BSN Programs the best choice for nurses.

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Online Education Degree

Online Education Degree

Benefits of Pursuing an Online Education Degree
Whether you’re already working and aspire for a better position or are unable to attend an on-campus program due to family commitments, an online education degree empowers you to study at your own schedule and convenience.

Online education degrees cover the entire spectrum of disciplines ranging from political science to aeronautical engineering. In fact, online schools usually offer a richer variety of courses compared to on-campus programs. These programs allow students to learn at their own leisure and pace. Students who undertake online degrees never have to worry about missing a class, and assignment deadlines are often flexible. With online education programs individuals don’t have to compromise their personal or professional commitments. These programs are ideal for people who wish to continue their education. There are also a number of online schools that specialize in providing education to adult students.

Types of Online Education Degrees
Education degrees awarded by online schools usually range from high school or associate’s degree to the doctoral level. Many online programs also include short diplomas and certifications. Students who are pursuing a full-time degree can also study at an accredited online school at the same time, and later have the online credits transferred to their college program. Students should confirm that the education degree program they wish to pursue is accredited or recognized by most universities and organizations. Many top ranking universities and colleges have stepped into the online education arena and offer full-time, part-time, and evening programs. Distance learning programs make education easily accessible to those who would otherwise have to relocate to a new place. It is also a good option for people whose work requires them to travel a lot.

Are online education degrees affordable?

Online education degrees are usually more affordable compared to on-campus degrees.  Reading material is available free of cost, and can be accessed or downloaded easily from the university website. Students also save boarding, relocation, and transportation costs. Students pursuing an online education degree can even benefit from numerous scholarships, grants, funds that are available at all levels of education.

Information Sharing Tools & Multimedia

Online education programs make it convenient for students to access and share information. Most of these programs provide platforms that facilitate online groups discussions. This gives students a change to interact and collaborate with people from across the globe. Rather than asking questions in a classroom, students can post questions on forums and message boards or email them to the instructors. Students can approach the teachers whenever they have a query or concern without having to wait for the office hours. Many online schools also specialize in offering live or recorded video lectures that you can download and watch at your own schedule.

Scope of Job Opportunities

In addition to broadening your awareness, an online education degree can create an abundance of new job opportunities. The scope of your career path would, of course, depend on the level of your education. But even basic degrees can help you secure a lucrative position, and one can always earn advanced degrees online while working.

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ABA Approved Paralegal Program

Benefits of joining an ABA approved paralegal program Paralegal programs enable learners to pursue a lucrative career path in the field of law. The abundance of career opportunities for trained paralegals has given rise to the number of paralegal schools across the US. However, many of these paralegal programs do not meet the acceptable standards of quality in education. This is where ABA approved paralegal programs come into play. ABA stands for the American Bar Association, which serves the interests of the law community around the nation. One of the important functions that the ABA performs is to examine and approve law schools. ABA assesses a law school’s standard of quality in education by reviewing their curriculum and study plans, interviewing the faculty and ensuring that students have all the facilities required in order to excel in their studies. Once satisfied with the above, the ABA then grants certification or approval to these schools. Recently, the American Bar Association has also published a list of colleges offering ‘approved’ study programs. Over the recent years, as the number of colleges offering paralegal studies increased, many colleges, in an effort to streamline the curriculum and ensure a high standard of education have started offering ABA approved paralegal programs. The Process of Approval Colleges, that aim to offer ABA approved paralegal programs, are reviewed by the American Bar Association’s ‘Approval Commission’. This commission carries out an intense on-site evaluation of paralegal programs and question faculty members in order to ensure their knowledge and proficiency. A final report with a number of recommendations is then compiled and sent to The Standing Committee on Paralegals at the ABA, which decides whether to provide approval to a college program or not. Once a college program is approved, the college must continue to submit regular reports to the ABA in order to ensure compliance with the guidelines established for ABA approved paralegal programs. After a complete evaluation, a college may offer approved paralegal programs for up to seven years before another evaluation is due. Why should I enroll in ABA approved paralegal programs? There are a number of benefits of enrolling in ABA approved paralegal programs – most importantly, graduates of approved paralegal programs stand out among others when applying for jobs. Employers also prefer these graduates due to the fact that they have a sound technical base and a working knowledge of law & the legal process. Another major advantage of approved programs is the fact that students can use credits they earn during their paralegal education towards earning a degree in law. Students enrolled in an ABA approved program have the highest qualified professors, most of whom are practicing lawyers and use their first hand experience to better explain the working of law. It is also easier to obtain state or federal funding for approved paralegal studies. State bar associations and local law firms also support ABA accredited colleges and offer excellent opportunities of employment for freshly graduating paralegals.

Law enforcement

Law enforcement

An introduction
Law enforcement involves a lot more than arresting criminals and locking them up. It is an extremely diverse field which includes intelligence analysis, criminal justice, forensic analysis, and criminal prosecution. Almost one million law enforcement officers perform a variety of functions that keep our communities safe. Law enforcement officers are our first line of defense against criminals and terrorists, and put their lives on the line every single day in order to ensure the safety of citizens around the country. In a field as diverse as law enforcement hundreds of career options are available with state law enforcement agencies and federal bodies such as the CIA, FBI, The US Marshal Service, National Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and Customs and Border Patrol (CBP).

What types of degrees are offered?
Most law enforcement officers hold an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in a field such as criminal justice, psychology or security management. A background in foreign languages, humanities or the liberal arts can also be helpful in law enforcement. A number of colleges offer associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate programs for students who wish to obtain a law enforcement degree. A typical associate’s degree in law enforcement can be completed in as little as eighteen months and includes basic instruction in the areas of public safety and criminal law. This degree is popular among aspiring police officers, troopers and corrections officers. The more rigorous four year long bachelor’s degree includes an in depth study of subjects such as criminology, investigative techniques, crime scene processing, forensics and criminal law.

Those who already hold a bachelor’s degree can enroll in a master’s level degree in law enforcement and specialize in an area such as criminal prosecution, immigration, forensics or anti-terrorism. Obtaining a bachelor’s or master’s level law enforcement degree is usually required for careers2 in federal law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, NSA, CIA and the Marshal Service. A variety of positions in private security companies are also available for law enforcement degree holders. In addition to the aforementioned degrees, a number of diploma and certification programs are also offered and are especially popular among law enforcement professionals who are looking to increase their qualifications or move up to a better paying position.
Future outlook
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, career opportunities in law enforcement are expected to increase by more than 15% over the next decade. Already undergraduate degrees in law enforcement are the most popular in the country, surpassing engineering, law and IT. As the need for public safety increases in order to protect our country and its citizens from internal and external threats, more and more law enforcement careers2 are being created. Graduates of law enforcement programs can go on to make careers2 as FBI agents, US Marshalls, crime scene investigators and intelligence analysts and hold a variety of other highly rewarding positions that allow them to best serve their nation and fellow citizens.

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What is an MBA Program

There was a time when a high school education or graduation could promise you a stable career and you did not need to worry about holding a job with such qualifications on your resume. With the constant stir in the job market due to the recent recession, these levels of education no longer remain a safeguard for your career. People with high school education have to get graduations while graduates have to make sure they obtain a Master’s Degree in order to secure their financial futures. One of the most popular master’s degrees is the MBA Program.

What is an MBA Program?

The Master’s In Business Administration Program started out in America in the 19th Century. The course is designed to train people in all aspects of Business Administration and includes a number of business subjects like economics, human resource management, operations management, marketing and accounting. An MBA program teaches the student the basics of business operations as well as how to approach business as a science. Each institution has a different curriculum but they all have to comply with certain affiliation boards, making sure that the students get the same level of understanding in business administration subjects.

Types of MBA Programs

An MBA Degree can be acquired from an accredited institute through a variety of course patterns. These are listed below:

  • Full Time MBA: This course requires the student to enroll into a 2 year course with a university or college and attend classes like any conventional student would.
  • Accelerated MBA: This type of course is an alternate version of the full time course where the student can cover more coursework in less time, there is a smaller amount of downtime between semesters and more workload is put on in order to complete the course faster than normal.
  • Part-time MBA: This course is ideal for people who are already working because classes are held after working hours and on weekends and the time is extended from the 2 years to give the students enough time to complete the requirements of the degree.
  • Executive MBA: This type of course is for individuals who are working in an executive post and have over ten years of experience in the relevant field.
  • Distance Learning MBA: This course can be taken when the student is not physically present at the institution. Classes and coursework is shared and done online or through mail.
  • Dual MBA: This course allows students to pursue degrees in two sub fields at the same time.

Requirements for Admission

Every institute has a different set of requirements while granting admission to students a minimum level of experience and prior education is required for admission into an MBA course.

Online Education and Accredited Institutes

If you are already working and don’t have the time to go back to university, you could enroll in to an Online MBA Programat one of the many accredited institutes that offer the program online. As long as you make sure the institute is accredited and the course suits your needs, your future and career are secure.

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