Paralegal Degrees

Paralegal Degrees are an alternative to law school degrees for anyone interested in legal work. These degrees are suitable for people not willing to give several years of their life to earn a law degree. These degrees are becoming increasingly popular in the US, with an ever growing number of people taking up paralegal jobs.

What Do Paralegals Do?
Paralegals usually take upon the responsibility of assisting attorneys in each and every aspect of their daily legal work. However, there are several legal duties that paralegals are not entitled to perform. Some of these duties include presenting cases in a court of law, offering legal advice, accepting legal cases, and deciding on fee issues.

On the other hand, paralegals assist attorneys by researching legal documents, drafting both civil and commercial contracts, helping with case investigations, obtaining affidavits and much more. Paralegal duties vary depending on the nature of job and the area of specialization.

How to Obtain a Paralegal Qualification?

There are several options available for individuals interested in obtaining a certified paralegal qualification. Some of the most common courses being offered at the moment are associate degrees and certificate programs in paralegal studies. These courses are being offered at private and community colleges across the U.S.

Associate’s degrees usually take two years of full-time attendance to complete, whereas certificate programs vary from three months to two years. In addition to these, there are some schools that also offer bachelor’s and master’s level degrees for prospective paralegal students. An associate’s degree might be deemed sufficient in order to earn an entry-level job in this field. However, a higher degree is almost always necessary to get the top jobs in this profession.

Furthermore, almost all paralegal qualifications allow students to specialize in their chosen legal area such as corporate or real estate law and others.

Paralegal Certifications
There is no compulsion to obtain paralegal certifications, but they can certainly increase your chances of getting a better or higher paid paralegal job. Individuals having passed one or all of these certifications are viewed more favorably by employers.

There are three professional bodies offering these certifications:

  • National Association of Legal Assistants
  • National Federation of Paralegal Associations
  • American Alliance of Paralegals

Each of the above mentioned certifications have different criteria that prospective students must adhere to in order to obtain these qualifications. In some cases, paralegals are required to pass a standardized test before they can acquire their certification.

Career Prospects and Paralegal Salaries
While it is true that some employers give on job training to newly hired paralegals, this practice is becoming less common as prospective employers look for individuals willing to take a head start in the field and learn to deal with the ever increasing number of responsibilities.

Last year, record numbers of paralegal jobs were available on the job market, with about quarter of a million paralegals and legal assistants hired. This year, the numbers are expected to rise sharply with private law firms expected to hire a record number of paralegals. An entry-level job as a paralegal may earn you an average of $40,000 annually. But with adequate qualification and experience one can expect to earn an average of $100,000 per year.

Overview of Business Field

Overview of Field:-

An Online Business Degree Program caters to those students who seek a flexible and convenient form of study to pursue a business degree. The Online Business Degree Program has been specially designed to train people who are already working part-time but need additional training and skills to remain competitive in the job market.

Structure and Duration of the Degree Program:-

The duration of the Online Business Degree Program depends on the level at which the degree is being pursued. The Online Business Degree Program at the undergraduate level generally involves four years of coursework. The Online Business Degree Program at the graduate level generally involves the equivalent of two years of coursework. The Online Business Degree Program generally encourages students to complete a broad range of offerings across finance, marketing, human resource management and operations.

Highlights of the coursework:-

The Online Business Degree Program attempts to recreate the classroom experience as much as possible. Students in the Online Business Degree Program complete problem sets and case studies that illustrate real world problems from business.

Admission criteria and graduation requirements:-

The Online Business Degree Program admits students on a similar basis as that used by conventional degrees. Students who graduate from the Online Business Degree Program are expected to maintain passing grades in all relevant courses.

Career prospects and average salary:-

The Online Business Degree Program is great preparation for careers in business, retail, technology and the non-profit sector. The average salary for those who graduate from an Online Business Degree Program depends heavily on the amount of experience.

  • Bachelors in Business Management
  • Economics MBA Programs
  • International Business MBA Programs

Associate degree online

Associate degree online

Distance learning enables students to pursue higher education from the comfort of their home at a schedule that suits them best. In addition to providing students and professionals with an opportunity to continue their education, distance learning can also help people who want to switch their job. Associate’s degrees are the most widely pursued distance learning programs in the US.

Associate degree online:-
An associate’s degree is a basic two year higher education program after which students can pursue further two years of study to complete their bachelor’s degree. An online associate’s degree can be completed in applied sciences, arts, or business administration. Many accredited universities are now offering online associate degrees in various disciplines like law, health, technology, marketing, and humanities. An online associate degree has the same as an on-campus degree. There are many benefits to joining an associate degree distance learning program in terms of saving time and resources. It is the most convenient way of learning especially for those who work full time and do not wish to compromise on their jobs. It is also ideal for students who are looking for a fast track to joining the professional world.

Associate degree distance learning is divided into the following broad categories:

  • Occupational Associate’s Degree:- It focuses more on the industry-specific knowledge than the general coursework and allows the students to land a job immediately after the completion of the degree.
  • Associate Degree of Arts:- It usually forms the basis for a four year bachelor’s degree.
  • Associate degree in Applied Sciences:-  It is like an occupational associate degree albeit these two year courses can also be transferred to a bachelor’s degree which can be earned on a further two years of study. An associate degree especially in applied science is now widely preferred by many employers.

Career Benefits of Pursing an Online Associate Degree:-

Associate degree distance learning helps in achieving a rewarding career as it provides focused and area specific knowledge, hence increasing the chances of getting better career opportunities. The ever-increasing competition in the job market has made higher education take the center stage. Therefore an online associate degree gives an edge while hunting for a job. It also benefits those who have full-time jobs but are looking to change their career fields or give a boost to the same by gaining some added skills. As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics the employment rate is 30% less in high school graduates as compared to those with associate degrees, who also earn way more than the later. There are many high paying jobs that are open to associate degree holders in fields like communications, business administration, health, childcare and etc. On an average an individual with an associate degree earns $36,000 per annum.

Other Useful Resources

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Accounting Program

An online accounting program is a great choice for those people who are not in a position to commit themselves to full time study in a conventional classroom. The online accounting program is a great way to complete training the technical field of accounting through part-time online study.

Structure and Duration of the Degree Program:-

The online accounting program caters to students with different needs. Those looking to complete an undergraduate degree may take up to four years’ worth of courses. Those looking to complete a graduate degree will take the equivalent of two years of courses. Some opt to take the certification form of the online accounting program.

Highlights of the coursework:-

The online accounting program allows students to complete technical courses related to finance and accounts by completing relevant problem sets and assignments. Students in the online accounting program are also able to benefit from social networking technology such as forums to work in teams to complete projects related to interpreting accounting and using them in managerial decision making.

Admission criteria and graduation requirements:-

The online accounting program encourages people from all backgrounds to apply particularly those with some exposure to finance or business and relevant work experience. Graduation depends on maintaining a passing grade point average in all requirements including core and elective courses and the final project.

Career prospects and average salary:-

The students who graduate from the online accounting program are able to gain employment in banks, financial institutions and corporations.

Masters in Business Administration

Overview of the field
A Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree is one of the most pursued fields with numerous concentrations. Marketing is the most common specialization in business administration. Most of the universities across the country offer MBAs in Marketing besides a wide range of online programs.

How to choose a top marketing program
Marketing MBA Programs are rated and evaluated through different means every year including reputable journals, academic and career-consultation bodies and ratings programs offered by different schools. There are various business, educational magazines, career advisors and education advisors which can help you choose Top Marketing MBA Programs.

Online Top Marketing MBA Programs
The online option is good for those individuals who are unable to dedicate time to full-time study and prefer to study from their homes. These programs are flexible in terms of courses and hours. Online programs are not only easier to enroll in to but can also be completed by studying one course at a time.

Courses offered by Top Marketing MBA Programs
Students who want to study marketing try to get into schools with a good reputation at bachelor level if they want to pursue a Master’s in Marketing. Some of the courses studied as a part of these programs include:

Business Law

MBA Marketing
International Law
Economic Theory
Marketing Strategies
Client Psychology

Schools are always competing to introduce innovative teaching and classroom strategies besides offering a wide range of courses to choose from in order to make academic learning applicable in the working environment.

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